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Homemade Summer Sausage Ground Beef Recipe

Home­made Beef Sum­mer Sausage is a scrump­tious­ly sat­is­fy­ing and savory option for your appe­tiz­ers, meat and cheese trays, char­cu­terie boards or any time you want a deli­cious slice and serve snack! The recipe is sim­ple. It's an easy, gluten free prep ahead recipe. You'll be asked for this crave­able "smoked" sum­mer sausage recipe at every get together.

Homemade Beef Summer Sausage on wooden board with marble jack cheese and whole grain crackers

Post may con­tain affil­i­ate links. As an Ama­zon and a Bre­ville Asso­ciate, I earn if you make a qual­i­fy­ing pur­chase. See Dis­clo­sure.

Summer Sausage as a Gift

Hon­est­ly, this would be great in hol­i­day gift bas­kets, too. Or for Father's Day. No need to order from Hick­o­ry Farms. lol You'll net 5 stars on every review of your gift­ing genius when you sim­ply make your own!

Cre­ate fab­u­lous gift box­es and bas­kets for any hol­i­day or cel­e­bra­tion gift. Home­made Sum­mer Sausage will be a great cen­ter­piece to build the gift around. It's a great val­ue and so much more afford­able when you make your own.

Com­bine home­made sum­mer sausage with jars of home­made mus­tard, horse­rad­ish spreads, jams, crack­ers and your favorite cheeses.

Stick in some short­bread cook­ies or home­made can­dy. Add a pret­ty wood­en cut­ting board and your beau­ti­ful gift is com­plete. It will look great and taste so much bet­ter than any­thing you would have pur­chased at the store. It's more per­son­al and means a lot more when it comes from your own kitchen!

The Perfect Take Along for Parties, Reunions and Picnics

Take this easy beef sum­mer sausage to your next par­ty or fam­i­ly reunion. It will be the first thing to dis­ap­pear off the buf­fet table.

Add it to a build-your-own hoagie bar, beau­ti­ful char­cu­terie boards or meat and cheese trays. Chop it into out­ra­geous­ly deli­cious antipas­to sal­ads or "beef up" your has­sel­back potatoes!

Home­made Beef Sum­mer Sausage will wow your fam­i­ly and friends how­ev­er and wher­ev­er you serve it! It's a great val­ue and saves on the gro­cery bill and snack budget.

You con­trol the ingre­di­ents and spice lev­el, so you can serve and gift it with con­fi­dence in its qual­i­ty. Beef Sum­mer Sausage also freezes well, so you can always keep a roll or two on hand..

You'll be hard-pressed to ever buy anoth­er one of those "logs-o-meat" after indulging in this sim­ple and deli­cious beef sausage snack!

Home­made Beef Sum­mer Sausage is a snack­ing tra­di­tion in our home.  I hope you will enjoy it with your fam­i­ly, too!

The Ingredients

  • medi­um lean ground beef, (I usu­al­ly use 80 ‑85%.)
  • ten­der-quick/ cur­ing salt
  • gar­lic powder
  • coarse black pepper
  • mus­tard seed
  • liq­uid smoke (I pre­fer the hick­o­ry smoke vari­ety, but you can also get mesquite.)
  • sug­ar

The ingre­di­ents to make Sum­mer Sausage at home are pret­ty straight for­ward, but I do want to talk about two of them. Some of you may have *liq­uid smoke in your pantry, all the time, like me. It can be used for lots of oth­er recipes, but it is essen­tial to Home­made Beef Sum­mer Sausage. You can use whichev­er brand you have access to. Most stores car­ry at least one brand. If you pre­fer to order it, this is *the liq­uid smoke I use, on Amazon.

Cur­ing salt or Ten­der-Quick salt can­not be sub­sti­tut­ed for with any oth­er type of salt. It's a blend of salt, sug­ar and oth­er ingre­di­ents that allow meat to cure, like a ham, bacon or sausages. I used to be able to buy it local­ly, but *I order it from Ama­zon, now.

For this tasty sum­mer sausage recipe, I like to use a medi­um lean beef (80–85%), so the sausage isn't as greasy as a lot of com­mer­cial brands, but still stays nice and moist.

How to Make Homemade Beef Summer Sausage

ingredients for homemade beef summer sausage in a glass mixing bowl

Mix­ing up the sum­mer sausage is as sim­ple as putting all the ingre­di­ents in a large mix­ing bowl and stir­ring until every­thing is even­ly dis­trib­uted and com­bined. It's impor­tant, but easy.

You want the mus­tard seed, salt and pep­per to be even­ly dis­trib­uted through­out the entire mix­ture. Hon­est­ly, I use my hands to mix it up. Just like with my Easy Meat­loaf Recipe, it's eas­i­er to get the ingre­di­ents blend­ed well.

Once the mix­ture is ready, divide it in half and roll each half into a log. Wrap each log in plas­tic wrap and leave in the fridge for 24 hours to allow the cur­ing salt to work its magic.

homemade beef summer sausage rolled into logs and sealed into plastic wrap for 24 hour refrigeration

After 24 hours, unwrap each sausage and place it on a rimmed bak­ing sheet. Bake at 275° for 2 hours. Remove from the oven and cool on a cool­ing rack.

You could eat the sausage warm, but we pre­fer it cold. It slices well whether it's warm or cold, though, so def­i­nite­ly go with your preference.

beef summer sausage rolls baked on a cookie sheet

Home­made Beef Sum­mer Sausage can be the deli­cious, gluten free cen­ter­piece of your hol­i­day meat and cheese trays or char­cu­terie boards. It's espe­cial­ly good with Ched­dar cheese, Smoked Gou­da or Col­by Jack cheese and but­tery crackers.

Beef Sum­mer Sausage is also a great snack on foot­ball Sun­day or when watch­ing movies with your fam­i­ly. Every­one loves it and it's a no-fuss make ahead treat that lets you spend your time enjoy­ing the fun.

Enjoy this sim­ple appe­tiz­er and I hope your hol­i­day cel­e­bra­tions are won­der­ful­ly blessed! Mer­ry hap­py fes­tiv­i­ties, my friend!

homemade beef summer sausage on wooden board with cheese and crackers


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Beefy, salty and smoky snack­ing good­ness.  It has a pep­pery bite which you con­trol by how much pep­per you add.  Per­fect on char­cu­terie boards or meat and cheese plat­ters.  A great appe­tiz­er or snack that is so sim­ple and afford­able.  A great val­ue no mat­ter how you slice it and every­one will want your recipe.  Plus, it's nat­u­ral­ly gluten free.

  • 2 lbs med. lean ground beef (80–85%)
  • 2 Table­spoons Mor­ton Ten­der Quick Salt ( or cur­ing salt of your choice)
  • 1/2 tea­spoon gar­lic powder
  • 1 Table­spoon mus­tard seed
  • 23 tea­spoons coarse ground pep­per (to taste)
  • 1 Table­spoon liq­uid smoke
  • 1 Table­spoon gran­u­lat­ed sugar

  1. Place all the ingre­di­ents in a large mix­ing bowl
  2. Use your hands to thor­ough­ly com­bine the ingre­di­ents and make sure they are even­ly distributed.
  3. Divide the mix­ture in half and roll each half into a log 6 or 7 inch­es long.
  4. Wrap each log in plas­tic wrap and refrig­er­ate them for 24 hours to let the cur­ing salt do its magic.
  5. Unwrap the logs and place them on a rimmed bak­ing sheet.
  6. Bake for 2 hours at 275°.
  7. Cool and then refrigerate.
  8. Slice and serve as desired.


No need to order sum­mer sausage from Hick­o­ry Farms.  Cre­ate your own fab­u­lous gift box­es and bas­kets at the hol­i­days.  Com­bine this home­made sum­mer sausage with jars of home­made mus­tard, jams, crack­ers and your favorite cheeses.  Stick in some short­bread cook­ies or home­made can­dy.  Add a pret­ty wood­en cut­ting board and your beau­ti­ful gift is com­plete.  It will taste so much bet­ter and mean so much more because it came from your own kitchen.

  • Prep Time: 5 min­utes
  • Cook Time: 2 hours
  • Cat­e­go­ry: Appe­tiz­er, Snack, Beef
  • Method: bak­ing
  • Cui­sine: Amer­i­can

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